Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A well deserved break from the world on a wednesday.

I woke up late and wrote in the book I haven't touched in ages and am feeling much better.

Reo Speedwagon - In my dreams

In your dreams you get what you really want. In the state of knowing I should be up to read my readings, and to fall back into non-reality, I chose the latter. From all my muted emotions the past weeks and even months, it was a relief to see all the issues presenting themselves to me in the form of dreams.

It doesn't matter if things are resolved in dreams, but completely different when I wake up. At least I know what have been bothering me. It's difficult when I have been pushing many thoughts aside recently - it's become a habit. Because emotions mean hurt and unproductivity. Be rational and life goes on.

Ok there's only so much time I have left here. People have been sucking up too much time in my life. I don't feel I am growing in anyone's presence, and there is barely time for myself. I'm sorry to say this, as much I do enjoy the company of some. Perhaps I ought to be alone.

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